SGB Election 5 March, 2012

Elke derde jaar se beheer-liggaamverkiesing is een van die belangrikste gebeure in die bestuur van die skool. Hierdie verkiersing vind op 5 Maart 2012 plaas. U as ouer het die volmaakte geleentheid om moontlikhede en geleenthede vir al die leerders by u kind se skool te bevorder deur aan die 2012-verkiesings van SBL’e deel te neem. 
 The Governing Body election that is held every third year is one of the important events in the life of the school. As a parent, you have the perfect opportunity to promote possibilities and opportunities for all the learners that are at your children’s school, by taking part in the 2012 SGB Elections, which are scheduled for 5 March 2012. 
 The Governing Body election that is held every third year is one of the important events in the life of the school. As a parent, you have the perfect opportunity to promote possibilities and opportunities for all the learners that are at your children’s school, by taking part in the 2012 SGB Elections, which are scheduled for 5 March 2012.   

 Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van elke ouer om belangstelling te toon en om ‘n rol in die bestuur van hul kind se skool te speel, en so te verseker dat die skool die bes moontlike gehalte onderwys aan al die leerders van die skool bied. Die ervaring het getoon dat skole met hoë vlakke van ouerbetrokkenheid dikwels die beste presteer, sowel akademies as sosiaal gesproke. Dit is dus belangrik dat alle ouers by die bestuur van hulle kind se skool betrokke moet raak, en die SBL is die ideale kanaal daarvoor. Moenie huiwer om by u kind se opvoeding betrokke te raak en ‘n bydrae tot die skool te lewer nie. Dit is u plig as ouer of lid van die gemeenskap om op enige moontlike wyse te dien. U beloning sal die verbetering van u kind se resultate te wees. Dit sal hom of haar nie net van ‘n beter toekoms verseker nie, maar ook ‘n bydrae lewer tot die versterking van die land in sy geheel.

Die beheerliggaam is verantwoordelik vir die “governance” van die skool, terwyl die hoof verantwoordelik is vir die “management” van die skool.

Kliek hier vir ‘n baie interessante inligtingstuk oor die rol van die ouers in die  skoolbeheerliggaam en die verkiesing. ‘n PDF leser is nodig om dit te kan lees.

 It is the responsibility of every parent to take an interest and have their say in the running of their child’s school, to ensure that the school provides the best possible quality of education to all the school’s learners. Experience has shown that schools with high levels of parental involvement are more often than not the best performing schools, both academically and socially. Thus it is important for all parents to get involved in the running of their child’s school and the School Governing Body is the ideal avenue to do so. Don’t stand back! Instead, get involved in your child’s schooling and make a difference to the school. It is your duty as a parent or a member of the community to serve in any way you can. Your reward is the improvement of our children’s education that will not only give them a better future but will contribute towards the strengthening of South Africa.

The governing body is responsible for the governance of the school whilst the principal is responsible for the management of the school.

Click here for a very informative brochure about parents playing their role in the governance of the school. 

Unethuba elihle njengomzali lokugqugquzela ukusebenzisa kahle amathuba kubo bonke abafundi abafunda nomntwana wakho esikoleni esifanayo. Lokhu uyokwenza ngokuthi ubambe iqhaza ekukhethweni kweSigungu sokuLawula iSikole onyakeni we-2012. Wumthwalo womzali ngamunye ukuzinikela ezintweni ezenziwa ukulawula isikole lapho ingane yakhe ifunda khona. Lokhu kuqinisekisa yena umzali ukuthi ingane ifunda esikoleni esizinikele ukwethulela ingane yakhe imfundo esezingeni elincomekayo, hhayi yona kuphela kodwa bonke nje abafundi abamekulwe kuleso sikole. Sekubonakele ukuthi izikole ezinabazali ababambisene ekulawulweni kwesikole yizo eziba nemiphumela emihle yokufunda nokuphathana. Ngaleyo ndlela kubalulekile ukuthi bonke abazali bazibandakanye ezintweni ezenzeka esikoleni sezingane zabo. ISigungu sokuLawula iSikole yiso kanye esisimeni esihle sokunika abazali leli thuba. Sicela ungathuli nje! Zinikele ekubambeni iqhaza emfundweni yengane yakho. Ziqinisekise ukuthi uwenzile nawe umahluko esikoleni. Umsebenzi wakho njengomzali kumbe ilungu lomphakathi ukuthi wenze nawe lokho onamandla okukwenza. Umvuzo wakho kuzoba ukuphenduka ibe ngcono imfundo yabantwana. Imfundo engezi nje kubo nekusasa elikhanyayo kuphela kodwa ezoqinisa isizwe eNingizimu Afrika yonkana.

The governing body is responsible for the governance of the school whilst the principal is responsible for the management of the school.

Click here for a very informative brochure about parents playing their role in the governance of the school. 

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