For the past three weeks, a group of learners has been up early to arrive on time just to make sure they won’t be missing out on the next set of drilling moves. Chin up, shoulders straight and off we go at 09:00 until 12:00. Continue reading
All the pictures, all the awardees, the RCL, the matric council, the Head Boy and girl and much more!
Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town is starting to have a major impact on Gansbaai Academia and its learners with the Marine Sciences Project. Our learners participated in the annual International clean up day. Thank you to Aimelize Geerdts, a member of the project for the following report:
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Gansbaai Academia played their part in the Funky Fynbos Show during the weekend of 19 September. We partook in the Uilenes part of the show and two wonderful days were spent in the idyllic setting, which at six in the morning is breathtakingly beautiful. Continue reading
The 2 Oceans Marine Sciences club, with learners from Gansbaai Academia and Hawston Secondary, had a fun filled outing to Gansbaai’s coast on the 2nd September to celebrate spring. The outing was both enjoyable and a valuable learning experience for the learners. Our thanks to Russell Stevens for the beautiful pictures in our gallery documenting the outing. Click the picture for the full album.
Academia is very fortunate to have been selected to participate in a weekly Marine Sciences Club, facilitated by the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town in partnership with the Overberg WCED Head of Curriculum Coordination and Advice, Ms Jenny Bridgeman, and the Rupert Foundation. The club is run by Russell Stevens, the head of education at the aquarium, but other staff members at the aquarium, as well as representatives from the University Of The Western Cape, University of Stellenbosch and the Cape Peninsula University of Technology are regularly used. The project is being run at Academia with learners from the other participant, Hawston High, being bussed to Academia to participate. Continue reading
“Dit is mos hoe ‘n skool in Suid-Afrika moet lyk,” het prof Jonathan Jansen, Visie-kanselier en Rektor van die Universiteit van die Oranje-Vrystaat tydens sy besoek aan Gansbaai Academia gesê. “En behalwe vir die hoë standaard wat duidelik hier gehandhaaf word, is ek eweneens hoogs beïndruk met die netheid van die skoolterrein en geboue.” Die besoek aan Gansbaai Academia word as ‘n groot eer beskou nadat twee van die skool se leerders, Bianca de Koning, Hoofmeisie en topkandidaat in 2013, asook Andisiwe Wulana, topkandidaat vir 2014, volle studiebeurse vir hul studies aan die Universiteit van die Oranje-Vrystaat ontvang het – danksy prof Jansen. Continue reading
Dit is duidelik dat prof Jonathan Jansen nie die Universiteit van die Oranje-Vrysaat (Kovsies) se fondse gemors het met die toekenning van volle studiebeurse aan Bianca de Koning en Andisiwe Wulana nie – twee oud-leerders van Gansbaai Academia. Continue reading
Een van Gansbaai Academia se eerste matrikulante in 2012, Michelle Hayes, het onlangs laat weet hoe dit met haar op die boot, Carnival Valor in Port Canaveral gaan, waar sy as die enigste gekwalifiseerde Ionithermist werk. Continue reading
Op Vrydag 15 Mei 2015 is Gansbaai Academia deur die Two Oceans Aquarium besoek om loopbaan moontlikhede ten toon te stel. (Gansbaai Academia bied dalk Maritieme Wetenskap (Marine Sciences ) aan). Die span het opgedaag met ‘n “mobiele aquarium”. Die kurrikulumhoof van die distrik, Jenny Bridgeman, het ook die dag bygewoon.